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美国NIH国家转化科学促进中心来华交流会 【北京 · 10.27】





应罕见病发展中心(CORD)的邀请,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)国家转化科学促进中心(NIH-NCATS)的组合管理与战略运营部门主管Nora Yang女士将于10月27日来京,与中国的罕见病药物研发公司及中小型生物及基因科研机构分享其所主管的部门在推动政府与私营部门、研究机构开展的罕见病相关研发合作,并且寻求未来与中国公司的合作机会。




作为NIH-NCATS组合管理与战略运营部门的主管,Nora Yang女士主要负责寻找合作伙伴,开发新的商业模式以更好地提升转化科学的效率及成效,推进NCATS的项目管理能力,以及维护NCATS与政府及私营合作伙伴的关系。


近年来,在Nora Yang女士的领导下,转化中心积极组建罕见病药物研发项目。在过去的3年时间里,他们已经将4种试验药用于罕见病人身上,进行了7次临床试验。而在短短几年的时间里,转化中心的药物研发项目中有3种药物已经被其药企合作伙伴所采用,带来总价值共计11.2亿美元,取得了卓越的成就。


目前Nora Yang 女士正与麻省理工大学Andrew Lo 教授合作开发可将债券市场资金用于生物制药开发融资的新型商业及融资模型。


罕见病发展中心(CORD)作为一家致力于推动中国罕见病行业发展的非营利组织,长期以来和罕见病药物研发机构保持沟通和合作,推动国内罕见病药物和治疗方法的开发。CORD此次邀请Nora Yang女士分享其在美国所开展的合作案例,期待能有机会促成国内企业的相关合作。


欢迎国内罕见病药物研发公司及中小型生物及基因科研机构能够踊跃报名,请点击以下链接报名: http://hanjianbing.sojump.com/jq/5939185.aspx。
















:Nora Yang女士简介


            Nora Yang


Nora Yang is the Director of Portfolio Management and Strategic Operations at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), NIH. In her current role, Nora Yang is responsible for planning, identifying and managing collaboration opportunities and partnerships, developing new business models to improve efficiency and effectiveness of translational sciences, building portfolio and project management capabilities, and implementing best practices of managing public and private partnerships for the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). She took a leadership role in building and managing the rare and neglected disease drug development portfolio within NCATS, which has taken 4 investigational drugs into rare disease patients in 7 clinical trials within 3 years. Within 4 years, 3 assets within the portfolio have been acquired by pharma partners with a collective deal value of US$1.12 billion. In collaboration with Prof. Andrew Lo at MIT Sloan School of Management and Laboratory for Financial Engineering, Dr. Yang’s current research focus is developing and implementing novel business and financing models that utilize bond market capital for financing biomedical drug development. Global bond market has reached an estimated $82.2 trillion, which has never been used to finance biomedical research due to lack of financial analytic tools to accurately value research backed obligations (RBOs) as a new asset class. Preliminary work from Drs. Lo and Yang’s groups has established both analytic tools and business models ready for private sector implementation.


Prior to joining NCATS at NIH, Dr. Yang led global product development teams to manage and develop novel therapeutics for metabolic diseases and oncology indications at Eli Lilly & Co. and Amgen, Inc. She also worked with startup companies and VC firms to build and evaluate business plans and raise series A funding for startup companies. Nora holds a Ph.D. in molecular biology from the Salk Institute of biological Research and the University of California, San Diego, and a Master’s degree in business management from Stanford University, Graduate School of Business.